Agency Overview
About Our Agency
Focusing on your goals in a knowledgeable and friendly atmosphere results in long term relationships. This has been our strategy since 1993 and provides a pathway to relationships that are mutually satisfying.
In the insurance industry, change has been its history and that will continue well into the future. Product features, product availability, corporate or personal considerations, legislative concerns and many other issues are considerations in making the right choice. The need for the right advisor has never been greater. In addition, we pride ourselves as being a resource as well, when circumstances dictate.
How We Work
Initial consultations are provided without fees. Being an Independent agency allows us the ability to offer a wide range of quality products. It affords us the capacity to make recommendations which are client specific. Our compensation expectations will be met through satisfied customers paid by the companies we represent through policies we place. In some circumstances, when fees are appropriate, they are fully disclosed.
Anne Andreasen, Owner
Independent. Certified. Experienced.
- National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU)
- 2014 NAHU President’s Award
- Minnesota Association of Health Underwriters
- MAHU Board of Director, Recording Secretary 2011-2016
- MAHU Education Coordinator 2011-2015
- MAHU 2015 John Symanitz Award
- Certified Senior Advisor
- NAHU Certified PPACA
- Member of the National Women’s Chamber of Commerce
- Best Buy WOLF Omega
- Member of Synergy For Success
Community Involvement
Our mission includes being a good community steward and citizen which is why our continued participation within our local community is so important. By keeping in touch with the larger community it broadens our perspectives and helps us to better understand the clients we serve.
- Minnesota Federation of Business and Professional Women President 2004-05
- Minnesota BPW Foundation Trustee
- Member of Charter Commission, City of Plymouth
- Head Election Judge, City of Plymouth