Health Insurance


Individual & Family Health Insurance

We represent all major carriers offering coverage in Minnesota and are MNSure certified. 

Brokers are the only MNSure assistors who can help you select an appropriate health insurance plan and assist you in setting up your MNSure account.

Private health insurance can be confusing and can be purchased more than one way, knowing the best solution for you and your family, is critical.  

Individual health insurance is simply health insurance coverage you personally purchase for you or your family (as opposed to health insurance provided by an employer).

Whether you are self-employed, unemployed, or work for a company that does not offer a plan, individual health insurance plans enable you to make sure you and your loved ones are covered for those unforeseen medical expenses. 

Coverage can be purchased during the Annual Enrollment Period starting on November 1st yearly for a January 1st effective date or during the year if you have a qualified life event. 

Contact us and we’ll advise you of your options. 


Types of Individual and Family Plans Offered

Health Insurance


Vision Insurance


Dental Insurance


travel insurance


Let us shop the market for you!